01908 562641

3 Bridge Road, Cosgrove
Northants MK19 7JH



End of Key Stage Results 

Due to the global pandemic we are anticipating our next reported Key Stage data to be available in July 2022.

Each July, the end of Key Stage assessment results are published. Normally, the results would appear right here, but some years the children's results have been 'suppressed' - please read on to understand why.

Why aren't the results published?

In very small schools with low pupil numbers, such as ours, there are sometimes classes of fewer than 6 pupils. When groups of children are very small, the risk of being able to identify an individual child from the data is unacceptable and publishing it would be unfair on that pupil. Therefore, it is the policy of both the DfE and Ofsted not to publish results data for groups of fewer than 6 children. They call this suppressing data and they refer to groups of children as cohorts.

Cosgrove agrees with this approach, and this is why the results from last year have not been published.

This policy also applies to data normally published by schools which refer to any group of children who match various criteria, such as so-called 'disadvantaged' children (for example, pupils eligible for 'pupil premium' funding). If you visit the pupil premium page on this website, you may well see that data has been suppressed there, too.

Department for Education (DfE) tables

The school is listed on the DFE website and performance details can be found in relation to the school. Please see this link.

Please note: Due to the small cohort sizes at Cosgrove Village Primary, some of the data on the DfE website is suppressed for the reasons outlined above. In the DfE tables, where you see "SUPP" this stands for "suppressed".

Please note: The performance often cannot be represented in these tables as we tend to have very small cohorts of children in each year group.